Well ... White paper last time Sir headphones forest with 40,000 sister pictures good, then continue to use it today ... By the way, 40,000 sister, I took this title really is in you ... # helped 40,000 sister headlines #
Closer to home, saying love machine recently pushed a lot of headphones, hangs on the shop's regular headphones, Netizen asked love whether love headphones should change its name? In fact, one reason is that headset that has a broader mass base, two sentences might have a chat with netizens netizens look, or if we feel you can buy back to see who wants to, so now the situation ...
Say we roll these days of headphones:
1. AfterShokz AS301 bone conduction headset 225 package mail

Bone conduction is a very big word, up to now it has already made a 30, has made 8, more is flowing to love machine. Test address: http://www.igao7.com/aftershokz-as301-test.html (or reply to Earphone1)
2. Sennheiser/Sennheiser CX880 375 Yuan (ten-Chan reduced purchasing costs 25 Yuan) FENDI iPhone 6 Plus Case

Spreads a very high one, the quality is also good. Article currently has sold 4, article: http://www.igao7.com/Lin-ear-phone.html (or reply to Earphone2), share this article to friends, got 10 nice can reduce purchasing costs 25 Yuan. If a friend would normally only misery for you like I do? And a friend said this afternoon, share sale must charge more for 25 Yuan to purchase to see if he has just sent me the chart, like easy 10:

3. Monster/Monster Gratitude 468 e-mail (ten-Chan reduced purchasing costs 25 Yuan)

This order shall fairly luxurious, some netizens said, "looked at the packaging feel worth the price", which is also reflected in the shipping, a single 1.5 pounds, a top 3 AS301 bone conduction. The old rules: shares http://www.igao7.com/Monster-gratitude-USD-59-99.html (or reply to Earphone3) to micro-circle of friends by 10 great, can we lose 25 Yuan. The most important point: that we are now in stock! (Who is said to not received money prompted the itch to buy small pinch ... )
4. Monster noodle headset 699 Yuan Bao/Monster BeatsTour boxes-mail

This did not need to say it. Small said only one word: give this praise is worth more! Share http://www.igao7.com/beats-tour-in-ear.html (reply to Earphone4) to the circle of friends, there are 10 great minus 30! In stock!
5. Denon AH-C300 630 FENDI iPhone 6 plus case

The goods we sell one. And the guy said it'll pay a 100 deposit, this man thought for a while that the deposit, or I make it, I'm afraid I have spent money on! Share http://www.igao7.com/Denon-Ah-C300.html (reply to EarPhone5) to the circle of friends, there are 10 like minus 30.
6. Panasonic RP-DJ600 255

Needs to be said is that the transshipment of goods cost nearly half of the original price! The headset is not expensive, $ 24.95, shipping weight of 2 pounds, as our article http://www.igao7.com/Panasonic-rpdj600k.html (reply to Earphone6) said, beginners can try to experience a professional feel. Share articles to friends 10 great minus 25.
Seem to forget what's going on? Yes, our shop address: http://shop104440989.Taobao.com. Now things are still not much little one busy how busy it is not over, free friends can take a look at, I believe you can see our progress!
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