Saturday, October 24, 2015

Nokia launches a wearable device with conclusive evidence

After media reports said Nokia plans involved in the wearable device market, and targets with regard to human health and movement. Now, this "evidence" seems more and more obvious. Nokia has revised its articles of Association, adding "consumer wearable device".

Nokia launches a wearable device with conclusive evidence

Nokia wrote in the company's articles of Association, "the company's goal is to research, development, production, marketing, sale and delivery of products, software and services, which covers consumer, b to b marketing. These products, software and services for telecom operators and other enterprise network infrastructure, Internet, health and sports, multimedia, data and analysis, mobile devices, wearable consumer devices, and other electronic products. The company or will development, acquisitions, licensing intellectual property and software, run to other industries and businesses, including securities trading and other investment activities. In addition, the company has the potential to directly engage in business operations, or through subsidiary companies, associated companies and joint ventures. "

In addition, the company published advertisements also show that Nokia wearable devices to collect data, primary data information by algorithm analysis and treatment to help users better understand their physical condition. It is clear that this device sounds like a smart watch or Sports Tracker. Lazy welfare hits have nothing to do it yourself

Two years ago, Novo Fund submitted a patent application involving smart wearable device is a similar bracelet. According to the patent document, Nokia smart devices including multiple screens, each for a different function. Open any screen is very simple, only need to eyeball on it can be. As with flexible display Nokia Morph phone concept, perhaps the smart device will not launch in the near future.

Wearable market is already very competitive currently, Nokia can have their own weapon to attract consumers to buy their products? The question we can't answer until after the company launched wearable device.

Nokia fans looking forward to the company to make changes should at least give us a Nokia smart watches or bracelets.

Source: phonearena

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